- gonococcal iritis
- гонококковый ирит
English-Russian small dictionary of medicine. Г.Ю. Бельман, А.Е. Бойков.. 2015.
English-Russian small dictionary of medicine. Г.Ю. Бельман, А.Е. Бойков.. 2015.
Urethritis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 N34 ICD 9 597 … Wikipedia
Neonatal conjunctivitis — Classification and external resources A newborn with gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum. ICD 10 A … Wikipedia
gonorrhea — gonorrheal, adj. gonorrheic, adj. /gon euh ree euh/, n. Pathol. a contagious, purulent inflammation of the urethra or the vagina, caused by the gonococcus. Also, esp. Brit., gonorrhoea. [1540 50; < LL < Gk gonórrhoia. See GONO , RRHEA] * * *… … Universalium
arthritis — Inflammation of a joint or a state characterized by inflammation of joints. SYN: articular rheumatism. [G. fr. arthron, joint, + itis, inflammation] acute rheumatic a. a. due to rheumatic fever … Medical dictionary
Eye disease — This is a partial list of human eye diseases and disorders. The World Health Organization publishes a classification of known diseases and injuries called the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems or ICD … Wikipedia
syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… … Medical dictionary
Rheumatoid arthritis — Classification and external resources A hand affected by rheumatoid arthritis ICD 10 M … Wikipedia
Nephritis — Classification and external resources MeSH D009393 Nephritis is inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys. The word nephritis was imported from Latin, which took it from Greek: νεφρίτιδα … Wikipedia
Cervicitis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 N72 ICD 9 098.15 … Wikipedia
Cystitis — ICD 10 N30 ICD 9 595 DiseasesDB 29445 … Wikipedia
Lymphadenopathy — Cervical lymphadenopathy in someone with mononucleosis ICD 10 I88, L … Wikipedia